About The Haven
The Haven Shelter & Services, Inc. is committed to preventing and eliminating all types of domestic violence and sexual violence within our service area, which includes Westmoreland, Richmond, Essex, Lancaster and Northumberland Counties.

Our communities were able to find safety from sexual assault and intimate partner violence through The Haven. Our 24-hour hotline and advocacy staff members help callers develop plans to keep themselves and their children as safe as possible from abuse. The most dangerous time for those who are in an abusive relationship is when they are trying to leave. Our services help to increase the safety for these individuals. Once safe, we can provide the necessary support to heal and find long-term solutions.

The dedicated and well-trained staff of The Haven help survivors of abuse build and live violence-free lives for themselves and their families through support groups, job assistance, affordable housing options, and counseling and referral services. These resources not only contribute to the betterment of the individual but the community at large.

Work within the community is essential to our mission to bring about a systems change and outlook on violence. Our Primary Prevention Programs remain in the local schools to foster healthy relationships among middle and high-school students and help educate area policy-making bodies on the latest in violence prevention and trauma-informed services that offer collective solutions to violence.