Volunteers are essential to accomplish our mission of preventing and eliminating all types of sexual and intimate partner violence within the Northern Neck and Essex County. The Haven could not provide free, vital services to individuals who have experienced violence without the hard work and effort of volunteers like you!
Not only do our volunteers assist us with completing everyday tasks such as childcare, shelter maintenance, data input, mailings, and processing donations, but their hours are used to meet match requirements of our state and federal grants.
The Haven is extremely appreciative of all our volunteers! Visit the links below to learn more about how you can make a difference through donating your time to The Haven.
Volunteer Opportunities
Current Volunteer Opportunities Available ​​
Dinner Volunteer
Provide and deliver dinner on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Shifts: afternoon
Volunteer Mover
Handle incoming donations and appropriately dispose/relocate unsellable goods and assist in moving items on behalf of The Haven
Truck or trailer needed
Shifts: ongoing
Thrift Store Volunteer
Receive, process, sort, price, and display donations at The Shoppe for Haven’s Sake Thrift Shop.
Shifts: weekday mornings and afternoons​
New Beginnings Volunteer
Volunteering to move furniture to a program participant's home with your vehicle (truck, SUV, or trailer needed); volunteering to physically move items;
Donating new or gently used items for their home (We will provide you with a specific list of needed items); and/or purchasing needed items or making a monetary donation to The Haven.
Shifts: ongoing
If you're a new volunteer and interested in volunteering for any of the above opportunities please complete the Volunteer Interest Form below. Already a volunteer? Please email the Resource Development Director, Brittany Clayborne, at brittany.clayborne@havenshelter.org.
Become a Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with The Haven! Please fill out the form below and someone will contact you and discuss options for getting involved.
How do I become a volunteer at The Haven?
Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form below and our Resource Development Director will get in touch with you within 1-2 business days to discuss your interests and how you can support The Haven.
All volunteers for The Haven are required to agree to searches of the Central Registry for the Virginia Department of Social Services/Child Protective Services and Criminal History Records of the Virginia State Police. The Haven will pay the fees required for these searches.
Note: Minors are not required to complete a background check, however, The Haven asks that minors have their parent/guardian accompany them to the in-person interview to fill out the necessary paperwork.
A brief orientation is offered to all volunteers before starting their tasks. Additionally, The Haven offers a comprehensive 3-session course which familiarizes volunteers with The Haven and how staff and volunteers can provide trauma-informed support to our program participants. The course is required for any volunteer who plans to work directly with our clients and hasn't already completed the training.
What do volunteers do at The Haven?
Haven volunteers play a variety of roles in our organization. Examples include sorting incoming donations at the Thrift Store, folding and stuffing envelopes for annual mailings, providing supportive services to program participants residing at the shelter, helping out at Haven sponsored events, and assisting with other tasks as needed.
What days and times does The Haven need volunteers?
Typically, volunteer shifts are between 10am-4pm on the weekdays.
How often does The Haven hold new volunteer orientation and training?
Twice a year. The Haven generally offers its Standard Volunteer Training in April and October. However, volunteers may have a one-on-one orientation with the Volunteer Coordinator if unable to attend the Standard Volunteer Training.
What is the time commitment required to be a volunteer?
On average, a Haven volunteer spends between 2-10 hours per week filling various capacities within our organization. The time commitment could be greater or less, depending on the complexity of the task and what’s going on at that particular time.
Can men volunteer?
Does The Haven provide opportunities for groups to volunteer?
Yes. Please email the Resource Development Director, Brittany Clayborne, at brittany.clayborne@havenshelter.org
Does The Haven accept court-ordered community service volunteers?
Yes. However, we are unable to provide community service for violent offenses. Community service volunteers perform administrative duties or other non-direct services. Not all community service volunteers are approved. Court-ordered community service volunteers should complete the Volunteer Interest Form below and a staff person will follow up them.
No person deserves to be abused.
Everyone deserves healthy relationships.

“The ‘ALL Are Welcome Here’ image was created by the Pennsylvania Cross-Systems Advocacy Coalition, supported by Grant No. 2007-FW-AX-K009, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations included in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women." Visit the NRCDV Access Initiative page for more information.