Our Services
The Haven provides a myriad of services to support individuals and families impacted by intimate partner and sexual violence. Below are the services that we offer.
24/7 Confidential Hotline
The Haven offers access to a confidential crisis hotline 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Callers can speak to a trained advocate who is trained to respond to an immediate crisis, provide a listening ear, offer information on domestic/intimate partner and sexual violence, and provide the appropriate referrals if necessary.
Need to talk? Call us at 1-800-22HAVEN(42836).
Emergency Shelter
The Haven offers temporary shelter to individuals and families who are in need of safe housing due to domestic/intimate partner and sexual violence. Individuals can request shelter through our confidential hotline. An individual or family's stay is based upon needs and communication with a case manager upon intake. The Haven also offers assistance with accessing permanent and safe housing following a shelter stay.
If you need Emergency Shelter contact us at 1-800-22HAVEN(42836).
Advocacy & Support
The Haven provides a wide variety of support for individuals who have experienced domestic/intimate partner and sexual violence including individual case management. Our trained team of dedicated staff members are able to provide support to cope with complicated or stressful situations. We work one-on-one with you to assess your goals, resources, and needs to provide opportunities that give you a better quality of life.
Some of the support we provide can include (but not limited to):
Assistance locating safe, stable housing;
Access to food, clothing and household items;
Applying for benefits;
Conducting a job search;
Accessing health care and mental health care;
Educational services;
Safety planning;
Immigration Assistance;
Accessing other identified needs
Child & Family Services
The Haven Child and Family Resilience Program is based on the tenets of violence prevention. Research proves that supporting all families in the shelter and out in the community with resilience-building skills, supports, and resources can prevent violence before it happens.
For families in the shelter, this support includes:
Individual resilience building sessions for children and families in shelter
8 sessions of Circle of Security® Parenting™ courses with a trained facilitator
Currently being done virtually​
- This course provides the following:​
- Supporting your child’s ability to successfully manage emotions
Enhancing the development of your child's self esteem
Honoring your innate wisdom and desire for your child to be secure
Child and family play-, art-, and nature-based resilience building groups
Currently on pause during the pandemic
Individual child needs assessments, coordination and advocacy for children
Hearts and Crafts with The Haven YouTube channel
In the moment interventions and supports at the shelter
In the community, this support includes:
Care for Kids, an early childhood sexual abuse prevention program facilitated in the community
Leadership on the Trauma Informed Learning Team (TILT) at Richmond County Elementary-Middle School
Participation in the Richmond County Family Assessment Planning Team (FAPT)
Trainings in trauma-responsive, resilience building approaches with children and families in our service area.
Support Groups​
Support groups are a good way to lessen feelings of isolation and to make valuable connections to other people in the community who understand the experience of recovering from sexual and
domestic violence.
Support groups have been suspended until further notice.
To learn more about our support groups or to seek help contact us at 1-800-22HAVEN(42836).
Court Advocacy
The Haven’s Advocacy Director* provides assistance and support to survivors of domestic/intimate partner and sexual violence as they go through the criminal or civil legal system. This includes: matters involving criminal charges against the batterer; matters involving criminal charges against the survivor; obtaining and enforcing personal protection orders; support throughout the process of sexual assault prosecutions, pursuing divorce and child custody and support issues; landlord/tenant issues; and other matters.
*The Haven’s Advocacy Director is not an attorney and cannot provide legal advice. The legal advocate can provide information on civil and criminal legal process, obtaining protective orders, navigating the criminal and civil process, ensuring victim’s rights, and accessing legal assistance.
Hospital Accompaniment
Healing both physically and mentally from sexual and domestic/intimate partner violence or other forms of violence and exploitation are central to the focus of our work. The Haven provides transportation and accompaniment to forensic sexual assault and domestic/intimate partner violence exams at hospitals that have trained forensic nurses. The Haven supports individuals and their families throughout the process. Additionally, we assist individuals in accessing appropriate health care, including family planning and mental health care that supports an individual’s healing journey.
If you have experienced a sexual assault or have been injured by a partner and would like information and assistance on accessing medical assistance, call us at
Education & Outreach
The Haven is actively engaged in the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence through our Prevention Programming. The Haven currently offers Sexual and Dating Violence Prevention Programs in the Northumberland County and Richmond County Middle and High Schools through our Safe Dates and Too Good for Violence Programs. These programs are focused on youth and teaching positive relationship skills. Prevention is also addressed through a Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition that is made up of a variety of community professionals and individuals who work together to increase protective factors and reduce risk factors that can reduce the chances of initial perpetration of sexual and domestic violence throughout our community.
The Haven staff also provides training and technical assistance related to the development of policy and practice that reduces the chance of initial perpetration of sexual and domestic violence and promotes a swift and effective response to sexual and domestic violence.
To learn more about The Haven’s Prevention Program contact our Prevention and
Youth Services Coordinator, Chad Lewis at chad.lewis@havenshelter.org.
Immigration and Disabilities Services
Due to the unique needs of the immigrant population, The Haven offers a variety of services to Spanish speaking individuals who have experienced violence. The Haven’s Latina Outreach Services include crisis and support services in Spanish as well as assistance and support in accessing immigration documentation through Violence Against Women Petitions, U-Visas and T-Visas.
To learn more about The Haven’s Latina Outreach contact Lupita Oceguera at 804-333-1099 or email at lupita.oceguera@havenshelter.org.
El Haven brinda Servicios de Apoyo para Latinas que incluyen servicios de apoyo y crisis en español, al igual que asistencia y apoyo para acceder a documentación de inmigración mediante las peticiones VAWA, las Visas-U, y las Visas-T. Debido a las necesidades de la población inmigrante, El Haven ofrece una variedad de servicios para personas del habla hispana que han experimentado violencia.
Para saber más acerca de los Servicios de Apoyo a Latinas que ofrece El Haven, comuníquese con Lupita Oceguera al 804-333-1099 o por correo electrónico a lupita.oceguera@havenshelter.org.
No person deserves to be abused.
Everyone deserves healthy relationships.
“The ‘ALL Are Welcome Here’ image was created by the Pennsylvania Cross-Systems Advocacy Coalition, supported by Grant No. 2007-FW-AX-K009, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations included in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women." Visit the NRCDV Access Initiative page for more information.